Don't Go Hungry: A Food Support Program - Saturday distribution
We acknowledge the land on which we work and serve and give thanks to the Coast Salish people, in particular the QayQayt
First Nation and hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking people, for their stewardship of these lands over the milennia.
We appreciate their willingness to share their wisdom with how to live in harmony with the land and it's inhabitants.
Meet the Team - BURNABY
Mid Week Coordinator
Karen has been with the Don't Go Hungry Food Support Program from the beginning, getting first the St. Aidan's hub up and running, helping start the Knox Pop Up site, then starting the Gordon site. Gordon serves the south Burnaby location and is the largest site.
Say "hi" to Karen at either the Registation table, or managng the volunteers with a cheerful presence and willing heart!
Barbara and Helen support Karen with the overall management of the Gordon hub. Helen organizes the finances on top of managing people with Barbara. Together the site requires up to 70 volunteers each week - no small task when feeding over 200 people in line. But they lead with grace and clarity, and a "can do" spirit. Truly appreciated when the task seems daunting and the circumstances for our recipients challenging.
Dry Goods/Friday Coodinator
Joanne is our Friday morning orchestrator of all dry goods. Together with her team, Joanne manages inventory at the Gordon site, ensures there are enough bags, and orders from the Food Bank.
She is the team lead for the volunteers who begin loading the bags to distribute on Saturday. Over 200 bags are prepared every week!