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Our Story

In June 2019, Rev. Laurie McKay of St. Aidan’s Presbyterian Church asked some parents at the nearby school: "What happens to kids during the summer who have a breakfast and a lunch provided at the school during the year?" One of the moms said, "They come back to school thinner and hungrier."


A group of us (the school, a senior's center, Fraser Health Authority, a city planner, church groups) got together, and in 2 weeks, we formed the Summer Food Program at St. Aidan's with reclaimed food and a volunteer base of 6 people every Monday and Thursday afternoon to distribute food to local families. The average was 25 - 30 households.


We learned from families that food programs occur mid-week and mid-day--so if you are working, it's impossible to access food support. St. Aidan's was set to start a Saturday Food Depot program on April 4th. Then COVID-19 happened and everything stopped. But we knew people needed food support even more. 

We are currently (May 2023) feeding over 1300 people every Saturday thanks to the generosity of many organizations and volunteers!

Don't Go Hungry: A Food Support Program


Supported in part by a bequest from The Presbyterian Church in Canada.

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